Today's Ping2's Birthday!!! (Image taken from
She's finally joined me in the quarter-of-a-century club (not that I'll be there for much longer) :P
Wishing her a lovely life ahead full of joy and craziness. ^.^
Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - loph you!
Labels: shel
Labels: shel
Yup - it's been a while... Both since this photo was taken by Robin(that I just get from Vikom) and since the last update on this blog.Everyone is busy.
Pipi is in UK (should be back soon). Vikom is crazy busy with Dorcas. Ping2 is crazy busy with cardigan stands. Pina is now busy with her newborn nephew "Jed Dareen Dennyson"!!! And me, well - I'm just busy with life stuff.. Trying to get organized. Hopefully this month would have more spare time to sort through things. :)
Anyway - miss you gals heaps. I was also wondering if the Thailand trip is still up? It's May and there hasn't been any talk about it. Might be difficult to arrange at last minute :P
Pina still hasn't posted anything yet!!!!!!!
Labels: shel
I'm going crazy..
I've been crazy hectic in the office because we are moving plus I need to organize things with my students until I get back from the trip.
Now I have a major problem since I tried buying train tickets online for like 5 times and my card declined. Usually when a card declines it means that the transaction wasn't successful. I checked with my credit card provider and the 5 transactions was recorded successfully and pending the settlement from the merchant. I called the website and they said that they would cancel the transaction in 72 hours. But if not then I won't be able to follow up the matter since I will be in UK. Kom, I might have to ask your help to pretend to be me an check the transaction status..
ah aku pusing.. :(
Labels: Pipi
woww.. I wasn't expecting this much progress after weekend. This is starting to get real :)
Anyways, I had some stories over the weekend. On Friday night I went to kareoke with my colleagues, which is something new to me, because my company's been having the new counselors over this past month and apparently they like hanging out after office hours. I'm getting used to it, turns out it can be pretty fun.
Later that night I went to starbucks until 2 am. hanging out with another group of friends, my freshwater fishes community. I was fun and a nice night out to meet new people, I kinda think one of them might be interesting though, didn't know if he feels the same way about me.
Saturday night, same old same old. Dinner at mall, and club. There was something different that night. I was going in with someone ex-boyfriend to a, particular club :) But he took off before it was getting hot. So, I'm assuming he wasn't enjoying it and makes me wonders if he really fit in with, the particular group of friends.
Sunday morning, I woke up with a hangover, or at least what I thought it was, it was a constant nausea feeling and a bit of a diarrhea. After my mom's and bro's delayed birthday lunch at Senayan City, I went home and barely got on my feet since I was vomiting and sitting on the toilet almost at the same time.
I went to the doctor and decided to let him put a needle up in my ass. I'm feeling better now :) hopefully I can get back to the office tomorrow.
*sigh* to much tidur-tiduran is not as fun as you think, especialy when your back is aching probably because I was almost, 'on my back' these 2 days..
Labels: Pipi
hihihi - finally we get more posts on... hopefully soon we can get pina to put up a post! ^.^
miss you guys so much.. been thinking a lot lately bout our possible trip to Thailand :P hihihi is it still on? when should we start planning? hihihi =)
loph u all!
Labels: shel
Hello guys.. i've been very busy lately.. Helping Endy in his Pushcart.. Hueheheeh...
Shel.. this is what he does----- :
* selling or renting properties..
* Selling cardigans for the ladies
* Selling Children Clothing.. ( Ini yg bikin gw sibuk belakangan ini)
Children clothing is the new one leh.. Its just a pushcart actually.. He opens in 2 malls.. Di Jurong sama Clementi.. Soon bakal open di Tampinese..
Huehehhhehe.. Clear enough? Any other question?
Btw pina called me yesterday.. She told me that she's on her way to Apin's house.. I told her to open our blog and write sumthin since she's the only one yang never open our blog.. and she promised me.. But where the hell is she????
Ah kangen kalian... Im goin to eat now.. very hungry... la la laaaa...
Labels: Ping2
finally..i cn log on&write sumthin here, maap ya guys..i've been so busy since i got back from perth. thanks for d introduction shel.. ^.^ tomorrow i'll b leaving to hk on 6.30am flight!! hay.. it means i hv to wake up so damn early, so not me.. :p too much things to b taken care of in d btq&i havent even fix my luggage yet.. promise i'll write more whn i got back from hk.. love u so much teman2 kuuu.. cintaaa..cintaaa... ciuman ikan pesuttt... btw ikan pesut kyk gmn ya?nama nya lucu yaaa.. hehe.. mmuuuaaahhh...
Labels: vikom
arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh super jealous - pijittt!!! MAU!!!
You Are A Chocolate Ice Cream Girl |
![]() Dramatic. Powerful. Flirty. |
You Are Vixen |
![]() Sexy and sultry, you're the one all the other reindeer dream about. Why You're Naughty: That fur pulling spat you got into with Dancer over Santa. Why You're Nice: Because even when you're nice, you're still delightfully naughty! |
You Are A Loyal Sidekick |
![]() While you aren't the most visable one in your group... You're always up for a good time or conversation And you stick with your friends no matter what You may feel underappreciated - but it only seems that way! |
Labels: shel
... to the world of 5 crazy (but gorgeous) gals. :)
First of all, let me introduce ourselves.Referring to the above picture, I'll go from left to right.
That means I'll start with Vikom. She was born on the 26th July 1983. Vikom currently lives in Jakarta, with high possibility of moving to Perth in the future (cause James, her Philippine-born-Chinese boyfriend, works and live there). She owns a glamorous garage boutique, called Dorcas. This is how she supplies us with unlimited bags and clothing to ensure that we keep being her friends *lol* (note: this is one of our running joke). [The eldest child with three siblings]
Next gal on the picture, a bit hidden towards the back, is Pina. When read quickly, her full name sounds like bina-tang (translate: animal in Indonesian) - we discovered this when we were stopped by a policeman in Bali.. *lol* Pina also lives in Jakarta, works as a real estate agent in Bekasi, a small town outside Jakarta, which means that she travels for at least 1.5 hour each way to work on daily basis, hence she possessed the truck-driver driving skill. She doesn't actually have a Friendster account (hence the Vina (N/A) on our list of Us @ Friendster) - and I kinda expect she will be the one to post least. Why? Cause her only access to Internet is through her kind boyfriend who lives close to Pina, Apin, when he's showering (or sleeping). They're so meant together, just look at how their names are linked... P-I-N-(A)-P-I-N-(A)-P-I-N-(A)-P-I-N... She was born on the 29th October 1983, which makes her the youngest amongst us. [The middle child with two siblings]
Now, let's meet the craziest of all, Ping2, born on the 13th May 1983. Don't ever mention that 13 is an unlucky number to her - cause despite her tiny-ness, she's as strong as an elephant - especially when pining Vikom down for a tickle. Ping2 now lives in Singapore, with her heavily-accented boyfriend, Endy. I'm not yet sure what she does - I'll let her explained that sometime later. [The youngest child with two siblings]
I'm next! Call me Shel. Unlike the rest of them (born and raised in Jakarta), I was born in Medan, on the 20th September 1982. Yup - the eldest and the tallest (plus - hate to admit - the widest) of us all :P I'm an IT consulting living in Melbourne, Australia. I've been here for the past 8 years and am loving every minute of it (well - almost every minute - especially the minutes I spend with my very lovely boyfriend, Shanon). Naturally, being a chatterbox, I've got a blog which I regularly update here. [Ditto to Vikom]
Last but not least, Pipi, our li'l cookie monster. Born on the 10th June 1983, she has the crazy eyes. She lives in Jakarta, used to be Vikom's neighbour (though now they still live in the same neighbourhood). She works as a student consultant - sends Jakarta kids overseas to study. The same job that brings her to visit me in Australia around this time last year. She's currently single and gorgeously available! Find out more at her mimimomo blog. [Ditto to Ping2]
Mmmm.. Why BukCur as the blog address?
Initially we wanted "bukucurhat" > buku curhat (translate: the book that you pour your heart to). But, that was taken. Tried buku-curhat, also taken! Same as buku_curhat!!! Gosh!!! So, we tried the shortened version of bukcur and it was available.
Why do we want to use buku curhat so stubbornly?
Well, because this is something that means something to all of us - yet not too cheesy (well - we think its not anyway). Means something? Yup, A while ago we started to write diaries which we circle around us and we call it buku curhat.
Oh well - I should get going now!
Until next time!
Labels: shel
Holaaaa... Akhirnya jadi juga!!! Hope it'll last forever!! jangan anget2 tai ayam!! Huehehehhehe.. Sorry ya sayah sibuk belakangan sampe lupa bales email.. Si endy baru buka pushcart di mall2.. Jadi saya harus membantu.. Kalo ga dia kasian lembur terus..
Kom gw mau coklat marshmallownyaaaa... kotok laaah!!! Masa yg dibawain cm pipi n pina! kan gw yang merekomendasikan coklatnya!
Pi.. kapan ko ken2 dateng kesini? masi lama kah?
Shel.. si endy mah mobilnya udah sembuh dari kapan tau! kan pas tabrakan langsung masuk bengkel n diurus sama insurance companynya.. Tapi jadi belang mobilnya.. nyahahaha.. BAgian depan yg bekas tabrakan super mengkilap.. terus belakangnya kan ga diapa apain jadi sedikit dekil.. hueheheheh... Dia berharap bagian belakanya ditabrak orang biar masuk bengkel lagi n jadi ga belang.. Nyahahhaha... nenek laah!!
Pina demoriiiiii.. lu kok menghilang?? ada apa dengan hubungan lu dan apin? apakah sedang bertengkar?? huahahaha.. lu sih paling gampang ketauan luh kalo berantem!! PAsti jadi jarang online.. nyahhahha..
Ah finally punya bukcur online...
Btw pi soal film... kayaknya gw lebih ke war movies kinda person.. Dulu si vikom (apa siapa ya kom?) bilang kalo ngeliat darah gw jadi horny.. huahahhahah...
Udah dulu yaaahh.. Saya hanya mau memperawani bukcur kitaaaa...
Lalallalallalalallallalallalallalala.. hati gembira!!!!
Labels: Ping2
SHel.. not bad lah template ini.. a bit to serious sih hauah kita kan tend buat make crazy postings.
gw bilang english indo campur aja the hell with it. kalo ada yang baca sukur gak ada juga buat kita lucu2 an waktu udah emak2 masi bisa ada gak bakal ilang kebanjiran ato kebakaran haha..
yang lain blum pada sign up ya. :)
boleh lah pake labels asal gak membingungkan. palingan along the way kalo ada better option ya baru diganti loh.. ti pelan2 kita bikin flickr bareng juga bisa jadi bisa update photos daily. pake album juga tentunya :)
Ping, Kom, PIn.. buruan confirm! kalo nga jadi cuma gw ama shel doang yang chit chat gak penting disini hahahahaha
Labels: Pipi
well - here i thought - kalo mo jelek - jelek sekalian azaaaaa HIHIHI
bagemana kalo kita post nya biasa aja terus buat tau siapa yang nulis - pake labels? :)
pake indo pa inggris yaaa binun
Labels: shel
we definitely need cuter template for our blog..
btw.. how does this work ya. when I post a topic on a title, then when you wish to give comments we'll just edit the post? and do like :
Title : movie person
PIPI says :
After watching movies our entire life, tell me, what kind of movie person are you?
I think I'm an action movie person. do you guys agree with that?