Hello guys.. i've been very busy lately.. Helping Endy in his Pushcart.. Hueheheeh...
Shel.. this is what he does----- :
* selling or renting properties..
* Selling cardigans for the ladies
* Selling Children Clothing.. ( Ini yg bikin gw sibuk belakangan ini)

Children clothing is the new one leh.. Its just a pushcart actually.. He opens in 2 malls.. Di Jurong sama Clementi.. Soon bakal open di Tampinese..

Huehehhhehe.. Clear enough? Any other question?

Btw pina called me yesterday.. She told me that she's on her way to Apin's house.. I told her to open our blog and write sumthin since she's the only one yang never open our blog.. and she promised me.. But where the hell is she????

Ah kangen kalian... Im goin to eat now.. very hungry... la la laaaa...


  1. ms s loveridge said...
    kita dapet cardigan gratisss dunkkkss hahahaha
    SFV3 said...
    gila shel.. gw skr koleksi cardigan bo!!! nyhahhahaha.. setiap ada yg bagus langsung mintaaaaaaa....

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