Happy Birthday Ping2!

Today's Ping2's Birthday!!! (Image taken from http://livingdeep.wordpress.com/2008/04/10/happy-birthday-to-jeremy/)
She's finally joined me in the quarter-of-a-century club (not that I'll be there for much longer) :P
Wishing her a lovely life ahead full of joy and craziness. ^.^
Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - loph you!

What d'u think? :)

Ahhhh sudah lama!

Yup - it's been a while... Both since this photo was taken by Robin(that I just get from Vikom) and since the last update on this blog.Everyone is busy.
Pipi is in UK (should be back soon). Vikom is crazy busy with Dorcas. Ping2 is crazy busy with cardigan stands. Pina is now busy with her newborn nephew "Jed Dareen Dennyson"!!! And me, well - I'm just busy with life stuff.. Trying to get organized. Hopefully this month would have more spare time to sort through things. :)
Anyway - miss you gals heaps. I was also wondering if the Thailand trip is still up? It's May and there hasn't been any talk about it. Might be difficult to arrange at last minute :P

Pina still hasn't posted anything yet!!!!!!!

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